Gaaaaah, I cannot believe that we are already a week into November. That is INSANE! If you’ve been following me for the last couple of weeks, all you’ve seen is 13DoH this and 13DoH that… and, well, here’s my last little thing about the 13 Days of Halloween 2k18 – WE MADE IT! I’m not dead, or in the hospital, and as a bonus my computer has not imploded (knock on wood) from all of the files and video edits I’ve done.
To be completely and transparently honest, I’m glad that it’s done. I’m a little sad that I wasn’t able to put out 13 different tutorials, BUT we did have more looks than 2016’s round of 13DoH, and there are still many more Halloween seasons to come. Every year has its own learning curve, and I know more than I did – both good and bad.
There was so much crap that happened behind the scenes, whether it was family emergencies, an unexpected funeral, compressed timelines, technical difficulties, migraines, delayed shipments for props and/or costumes, me getting a scratch on my friggin cornea right in the middle of when I needed to film things, allergic reactions to makeup, or just spoonie flare-ups, etc… ugh.
I didn’t think that I would even get this far. I almost threw in the towel twice because I was so overwhelmed with everything else going on in my life. It was frustrating… infuriating… but in the end – here we are.
I’m glad that you guys stuck it out with me and I cannot begin to thank you enough for all of your encouragements and love. That’s what really kept me going through all of this. Truly. And, at times, when life was getting too much – having the 13DoH2k18 work was a brief diversion from the suck.
PS: Thank you to everyone who’s followed or subscribed to my social media channels during the 13DoH! I hope that you stick around for this little adventure called Chaos.
However, this year’s festivities have to a point reignited my passion for doing creature and character makeup, and it makes me want to do more, not just around Halloween. So, with that, my goal is to create one or two creature/character/SFX tutorials every month so that I can get my fix and so can you. Ha!
—– 13DoH2k18 HIGHLIGHTS!—–
1. Finalist for Mehron’s 31 Days of Halloween Contest: Towards the latter end of the 13DoH, I was chosen as the October 27th finalist for Mehron’s contest. The look that they chose from my entries was my Hag makeup look. Honestly, I was blown away that I was even chosen as the other artists that were selected were and are PHENOMENAL makeup artists.
The winner of the contest was an amazing body painter, Fee Fomkin or @makeupbyfee on Instagram. She created a beautiful Frankenstein’s Monster Fantasy Glam Look. If you are unfamiliar with her look, please take a moment to check her Instagram feed out. You won’t be disappointed.
2. FAN ART: One thing that always fascinates me is when folks take inspiration from my looks… and then spend precious time out of their day and DRAW my face! This amazing vector is by Maureen Stewart – @designstew on social media. She was inspired by my Spectacular Pink fantastical look. I am blown away by the detailing that she put into the eyes on this portrait and the sparkles!
I really hope that you guys go and hop on over to her website to check out her work and give her some love on her Instagram!
3. Brand Love: It gives me the warm fuzzies when brands that I use, know, and love finds my work good enough to share and repost on their pages. Brands like Camo Eyes, Pinky Paradise, Espionage Cosmetics, and Epic Cosplay Wigs shared my little video teasers from the 13DoH on their stories or reposted my looks on Twitter.
I also wanted to give some shout out love to two brands who were consistently interacting with my posts on social media. The first, Milk Makeup, is a brand that I friggin adore and was so thrilled that they took the time to comment and like my posts on Twitter, Instagram, and YOUTUBE! The other brand that was very awesome and interactive is Bite Beauty! Both brands are amazing, and if you’ve been around for any period you’ll know that I use their products in ALMOST every look.
As a tiny content creator, I often feel overlooked by most brands just because I have a small following, so when BIG brands take the time to interact with me and show a little love – it really makes my day!
4. Last but not least – YOU, MY AMAZING WONDERFUL DAH’LINGS! Like I said in the beginning bits of this blog post, you guys are the reason why I really kept going during the times that I wanted to throw in the towel. You have been so amazing, supportive and wonderful! Thank you doesn’t even begin to cover all the gratitude I have for you guys, but it’s a start, and I hope that that’s okay!
By the way, there are officially 700 dah’lings joining me for YouTube adventures, and we are just shy of 4.3 k on Instagram! EEEEK! My goal is to hit 5k by my birthday at the end of January…. we will see if that happens or if I get sucked back into the algorithm hole. Ha!
I’m going to spend the time this weekend going back through my videos and 13DoH posts to try my best and respond to all your lovely comments! [PS: sorry I’m terrible about that, I do see 95% of everything, and I love it when you take a moment to chat and interact with me! I’m just so forgetful, or I don’t have the spoons at the moment.]
Please take a moment to comment with something that you’d like to see from me, content-wise, in the comment section below so I can make a list and start checking things off!
OH! There were also other awesome things that happened in October that weren’t really 13DoH related, so I will be talking about those more in an upcoming Fall Favorites / Life Catch-Up post… so hold on to your butts. 😉
One thing that I enjoyed doing the last few weeks is to make little .gifs of my look teasers! They are so fun to see, and I love that I can pop them into my blog posts without having to take up a ton of storage space or mess with YouTube. I forgot to make ones for my drugstore Peacock / Candy Corn Witch looks and my Spectacular Pink Look – but hey, I think this will be a think that I will keep up… because I think it’s fun. Don’t you?
There were a few stand out products that I used during the 13DoH that took my looks to the next level… I talk about it on the highlights and blooper video — so you’ll just have to check that out. WINK WINK!
Just a heads up – I was planning on filming a Fall Favorites video this week … but there have been some things that have come up that need to take precedent before I can sit down and film/edit. I will also post my review of Melt Cosmetics’ Gemini Palette next week as well. Do me a favor and let me know what days you prefer to watch YouTube content down in the comments section below – pretty please!?
I will have a new blog post up probably sometime this weekend talking about changes in my spoonie life, so be on the lookout for that if that’s something that interests you. I want to bring more attention to spoonie stuff, or at least let it be a little more visible on here (the blog/website nook of the internet that I preside over). If you’d like to see more spoonie type/non-makeup content from me – give my personal IG a follow – you can find me @ohheychaos.
@urbandecaycosmetics Primer Potion and Bondage Adhesive, @blackmooncosmetics Orb of Light Palette (Strawberry, Cold, Wolf, and Black), and Moonlighter (Glow Worm), @litcosmetics Lit Metals (Crave + Gold), @danessa_myricks Colorfix (Black Out), @makeupforeverus Artist Color Pencil (100 – Whatever Black), @milkmakeup Gel Brow Pencil (Pilsner), Kush Brow (Hydro-Clear), Kush Mascara, and Highliner (CEO), and my lenses are @pinkyparadisedotcom Eclipse (Green).
@makeupforeverus Ultra HD Stick Foundation (Y215+Y225), @bitebeauty Multistick (Blondie), @meltcosmetics Honey Thief Blush, and @ebaperformancemakeup Ashes Encore Brow Color for freckles.
LIPS: #BiteBeauty Lip Pencil (010) and French Press Lip Gloss (Vanilla Latte)
I know that I mentioned that I had filmed a tutorial, well realistically it was a rather lengthy, insanely chatty CCGRWM for this look — but it was an hour long, and I DID NOT SHUT UP through the whole thing. One of the things I am trying to work on is to be a little bit more … concise… with my videos as most people only pop in for a minute or two before exiting the video and going on their merry way. If there is a lot of interest about this look – I can film it again as a tutorial, and we can go from there.
So, I guess I should hop off of this chatty, random little post and officially say adieu to the 13DoH2k18. I hope you guys enjoyed it and the content that I pushed out into the world as much as I did. I have definitely raised the bar for next year, and you better believe that I will be starting filming in JUNE that way I can up my game and get all 13 looks out without having to deal with last minute emergencies!
If you missed any of the #13DoH2k18, feel free to go back and watch/explore the previous posts and tutorials.