I don’t know about you, but I love Eleven, aka El aka Jane Ives. Not only is she a major badass with telekinetic powers… but for the majority of the movie, she has a buzzed head – like me. Growing up, we didn’t have young girl superheroes in our television shows — at least ones that weren’t super cheesy and inevitably needed a male figure to save her. Eleven is different… and it is awesome!!!
Now, I know you’re going to say that there are already a TON of Eleven makeup tutorials out there… and you’re right, but come on! As soon as the show premiered on Netflix, I’ve wanted to do it. I specifically chose a scene where we get a little more on El’s backstory when she refused to kill an animal. During that flashback, there are so many emotions; from fear to anger to pain and sorrow.
This tutorial gives you two options: standard Eleven and badass “I can kill you with my brain” Eleven. (… see what I did there? FIREFLY FOREVER!!!) As far as outfit options, feel free to switch things up a bit. You can go with the hospital gown method like I filmed the tutorial in, or the more popular pink dress + jean jacket + fancy AF shake out wig. You can also grime up the hospital gown to how El looked after she escaped and was running through the forest.
I hope you all have enjoyed my two Stranger Things tutorials. If you didn’t catch my last one, for Joyce Byers – CLICK HERE. I sincerely believe that Stranger Things is probably the best, NEW, series that has come out of 2016. Plus it sings to my nerdy soul with all the little easter eggs and everything.
If you do recreate this look, or any of my other tutorials, makeup looks, or face charts – please tag me in them on social media. I want to see your guys work.
Do me a favor and head on over to my Twitter. I have a poll going on right now for what tutorial I should film as my WILD CARD. I took some of the suggests from the comments on both my Intro to #13DoH Blog post AND the comment section of the corresponding video… SO GO VOTE. You have the power.
TIME SENSITIVE: Which tutorial should I film as my WILDCARD/audience chosen Halloween makeup look? #13DaysOfHalloween #makeup #tutorials
OHjaeCHAOS (@ohjaechaos) October 22, 2016
PS: Don’t forget about my #ohjaechaos13DoHgiveaway which is still on and going strong.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s tutorial, continuing my 13 Days of Halloween. Want a hint? RING-DING-DING-DAH-DING-DING-DAH-DING-DING.